Saturday, May 9, 2015

First Caches of 2015

This morning my mother visited so we could celebrate Mother's Day together a day early. After walking to and from the National Cathedral from my apartment, we attempted to find 3 fairly recently placed local geocaches. Unfortunately we didn't have any success for 3 different reasons, though the actual find is only part of the fun of geocaching.

PandaMania - Woodley Park (GC5JX90 by Aliengirl)  
This cache is hidden somewhere in the proximity of Home Rule, one of the statues from the PandaMania art exhibit that took place in the summer of 2004 throughout DC. Here are some photos of Home Rule by Anne Marchand--I like the little tree on his butt: 

The problem with this cache was that after having read the hint given on for this particular cache, I am nearly certain that this cache is hidden somewhere near the red newspaper stand just behind the musician at the Woodley Park-Zoo/Adams Morgan Metro stop elevator. I will have to return sometime soon!

Jurassic Pork (GC5DF0Z by treasuretrask)       
Our next stop was what I believe would have been an excellent cache site had it not been muggled (at least this is what I suspect happened). I believe this plastic tie once tethered the cache to the bridge, though I will look again sometime soon (I walk across this bridge every week when I go grocery shopping at the Yes! Market in Cleveland Park):

*UPDATE!* The cache is alive and well; I found it the second time around and will write a separate post about the find!

I would also really like to learn more about the name "CDW" on the dino in the pavement within about a meter of the cache according to my GPS...

PandaMania - Cleveland Park (GC5JXAX by Aliengirl)
Another cache from the PandaMania series, this one in front of the Cleveland Park Public Library. I know I am looking for a nano bison tube, but there were many muggles around and my mother and I didn't have any luck poking around looking for the cache, even after taking the published hint. Another cache I will have to return to sometime soon. The cache is located somewhere in the vicinity of this panda sculpture, East West by Byron Peck. This sculpture includes images from the west (the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, on the front) and east (a Chinese landscape). 

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