Monday, March 30, 2015

2015 DC Geocaching "TO DO" List

Winter is finally over, even though it has overstayed its welcome and March is nearly over. That means that for me, it's time to get back to geocaching! I have a friend who geocaches in all seasons but the summer, wanting to avoid the heat and poison ivy, but I geocache in all seasons but the winter, since living for years on the equator conditioned me well for even the most humid of DC summers and spring and fall in Washington are gorgeous.

I will have to wear this tremendous shirt that my keepers gave me over the holidays this Geocaching season:

I haven't geocached since the end of last fall, but here is a list of a few of the local caches hope to check off within the next 3 seasons, organized by neighborhood:

LOCATION: Washington, DC (Woodley Park)
PandaMania - Woodley Park (GC5JX90 by Aliengirl)    
Status: visited x3, DNF  
LOCATION: Washington, DC (Cleveland Park)
Jurassic Pork (GC5DF0Z by treasuretrask)   
Status: DNF first attempt, then found & visited x2 to plant geocoins                  
PandaMania - Cleveland Park (GC5JXAX by Aliengirl)
Status: visited, DNF but have high hopes for finding in future after reading recent logs
Rosedale (GC288X5 by sebflippers)                                

LOCATION: Washington, DC (Cathedral Heights)
House of Cards: Cathedral Heights Metro (GC4ZRY6 by ToddDC)
Status: visited last year, muggle at site

LOCATION: Washington, DC (Glover Park)
Brown Thumb (GC2M22C by wendywoowho)

LOCATION: Washington, DC (Adams Morgan)
DC Hidden Murals #9: Un pueblo sin murales… (GC393C2 by exmachina)
DC Hidden Murals #10: Mama Ayesha's (GC393A2 by exmachina)
Status: visited, DNF, lots of muggles at the neighboring dog park but will definitely return
DC Hidden Murals #13:  Every Day I See Something (GC3CVHA by exmachina)

LOCATION: Washington, DC (Mt. Pleasant)
MtP#1: Ashbury Park (GC4H5WQ by Moontiso)
MtP#2: General Hospital (GC4JHKQ by Moontiso)
MtP#3: Oldest Home (GC4H6ZJ by Moontiso)

LOCATION: Washington, DC (Dupont Circle)
Presidential Cache (GC55BQV by twwilson
PandaMania - Spanish Steps (GC2G5GC by Asian Tuesday, adopted by Aliengirl)
Religious Ruin (GC31RKG by NMP20008)
Status: visited x2 last year, x1 this year, DNF and high muggle traffic

LOCATION: Washington, DC (American University)
PandaMania - AU (GC5K3TF by Aliengirl)
AU Cache (GC52BTQ by OskarTheSwde)
Sibley (GCGVBH by flower man)

LOCATION: Washington, DC (Friendship Heights)
Thar Be Dragons (GC5E9DB by zgrav)

LOCATION: Washington, DC (Mt. Vernon Square)
The Flat Earth Society (GC37CJB by exmachina)

LOCATION: Washington, DC (The National Mall)
Finally D.C. (GC5C6Z1 by The Big D 793)

LOCATION: Chevy Chase Village, MD
The Dragon's Fortress (GC46RZP by Draco Rex)

LOCATION: Falls Church, VA 
Hangman's Tree II (GC5KF2E by exmachina)
Status: visited, DNF but a great spot for a cache with an interesting history, will be back
Box of Teeth (GC339NA by exmachina)

LOCATION: Arlington, VA 
Merry Chris-mas (GC42ZVN by derecho3, by border of Falls Church & Arlington)
Status: visited, DNF; logs say coordinates are off and few hints to help
ALLH #17 - The American Nazi Party HQ (GC211E0 by cphug184)

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