Thursday, May 21, 2015

Jurassic Pork

GC5DF0Z by treasuretrask
Location: Washington, DC (Cleveland Park)
Cache Type: Traditional

Found on the second attempt, after reading a comment on that said not to get thrown off by the random tether attached to the base of one of the railings in the area indicated by the given coordinates. 

Cache was easy to find once I looked in the right place!

 What do you get when you cross a pig with a dinosaur?…JURASSIC PORK!

Cache is filled with dinosaurs. I added the two on the ground to right of the cache:

I exchanged them for these two plastic dinosaurs:

I ended up going back a few days after first discovering the cache to place the first of two geocoins I would like to place in this cache as their cache of origin. I tethered the geocoin to the neck of a dino I added to the cache (and swapped for other geoswag). The geocoin is from Chicago, given to me by a friend who now lives in Atlanta, GA. For a fun little story, around the same time I planted this geocoin in a cache in DC (where I am from) the friend who gave me the coin from Chicago (where she is from) is planning to place a geocoin I gave her from DC in Chicago.

I never did figure out what the initials "CDW" on the dinosaur in the pavement near the cache spot stands for. I had to close up the cache quickly due to heavy Muggle activity in the area so didn't see if the answer might have been in the bottom of the container. I will just have to return to the cache. It's large enough that I will easily be able to add a trackable geocoin!

A few days ago I saw this inventive prom proposal written in chalk on a pedestrian path in Rock Creek Park from a position on the bridge leading into the Cleveland Park neighborhood very close to this cache on my way back from picking up my groceries at the Yes! Market:

**UPDATE: one day on my way home from grocery shopping down the street in Cleveland Park I thought I would check up on my favorite cache site and sadly, it looks like Jurrasic Pork is no more - no cache container at least, so I will have to check out to see if there are any postings about it.**

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